Why Christine Supports Pete Buttigieg

2 min readAug 31, 2019

He is what this country needs right now.

It’s his compassion, something that emanates from him in every interview I’ve seen and something that we are utterly lacking in the oval office right now. The answers to tough questions that he gives seemingly not because they poll well, but because it’s what he actually believes. Answers that aren’t meant to be put on a banner, they’re made to make you think and reflect. Also, I’m an atheist, but his perspective on how he and others on the left approach religion, by focusing on helping the needy and downtrodden, is shining a much-needed spotlight on the hypocrisy of the so-called “religious” right, who are filled with such hate, misogyny and greed that it makes me fearful for the future of our country.

I was hooked after I first heard his interview on Preet Bharara’s podcast, Stay Tuned with Preet, and everything I’ve heard since then has just reinforced my thinking. He’s what this country needs right now. I think he can appeal to those in the center/center right who might have been out of our reach in recent decades. I’m hopeful that everyone will see what I and other supporters see.

About Christine

Christine is a 48-year-old married mom of two living in the New Jersey area who is registered as a Democrat.




Written by Myn

“People like to laugh at you cause they are all the same; I would rather we just go our different way than play the game.” -Pink

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