There’s only one Pro-Life candidate running

15 min readAug 27, 2020

And it’s your Christian duty to vote for him.

I have endured a lot of medical pain in my life. A ruptured appendix, gallstones, childbirth, a broken ankle to name a few.

But nothing comes close to the pain I experienced when I was 10 weeks pregnant with my miracle baby.

You see, my son Dylan was conceived just 11 months after my second born, who was conceived just 13 months after my first born.

Me, a 32-year-old white, married, college educated (though I never graduated) woman found herself pregnant unexpectedly.

“Don’t you know how this all works by now?” My grandmother said to me, trying to be funny.

Of course I knew. I had an IUD.

While I was shocked and afraid at the news, having the baby was the *only* option. I believe life, at some form, begins at conception. But at the point of conception, is that life equal or greater than mine? I was soon going to find out what I thought about abortion on deeper level.

As a child, I was taught that God “knit me together in my mother’s womb” and that being pro-life was one of the most important attributes of God. After all, he gave us life. He gave his life for us. You were pro-life or you were pro-abortion, and if you were pro-abortion, you were a baby killer. Plain and simple. There were no gray areas.

Until I grew up. I had to learn by observation and experience to widen my perspective and…




Written by Myn

“People like to laugh at you cause they are all the same; I would rather we just go our different way than play the game.” -Pink

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